Sunday, July 8, 2012

Time begotten, more posts of completed work

Punched - Series of 3 together in the RecRoom window.   As I have neglected to get some updates posted here are several...

"Eye of the storm"

"Rough Water"

This one is beautiful, I ASSUME the frame is by my Dad too :-) Lake Wanaka New Zealand

I snapped some LARGE hookings completed several years ago and my (Barb) favorites... with a few other pix to follow.  Enjoy!

Mediterranean Cruise - scenes 

Titled 'Emigrants' a pictorial hooked in1995... I did not measure but it is likely 3ft or more in height

In Flight... again I did not measure but it is likely 3ft or more in height I LOVE THIS ONE (Barb)

Pheasants?? I am not so good at bird names - will check up on this and when it was hooked too.  (Barb)

Various other rugs about the house... 

This one is fading from the sun but has sculpted flowers and sits in a nice corner of the master bathroom beside the tub...

Foot stool that is perfect because it is heavy and does not move :-)

Strolling along the walk - I like this one as the lady has a ceramic hand.  and her dress is material...